By Hyenayena - 23/05/2015 21:04 - Canada - Airdrie

Today, while serving a customer, she told me: "God made you a working class citizen so you could serve! If God wanted you to go to college, he would have made sure you were able to go!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 789
You deserved it 2 347

Hyenayena tells us more.

I tried explaining that, but she said that "if you were meant to go to college, your life would lead to it naturally. Your life has led you to be part of the working class, see?" So pretty much: if I'm not a rich person, I better not even think about going to college.

Top comments

I'm guessing God made her an annoying bitch too?

I hate people like that. Or the ones who try to justify everything with the bible.


College isn't what it used to be. People go to college nowadays then wind up waiting tables or doing a different job that doesn't require a degree just to get some kind of income.

And that is obviously because they weren't /meant/ to go to college and landed back where they belong. OP's customer has it right!

Jord_Fox 14

Seems god likes to be a dick to everyone

Take the Third World for example...

God sometimes makes a bit too many assholes...

This ought to go to

officercupid 7

That's dedication right there.

I hope you're fired up and show her what hard work and perseverance can accomplish.

Nowhere in the bible does it say to be rude and condescending to others. She was not being a good Christian.

it's people like that who make people hate Christians...

And somehow people like that never quite get that they're implying God is an asshole.