By ClumsyBarista - 20/12/2016 05:04 - United States - Springfield

Today, while serving a line of ten customers by myself at the coffee shop I work at, I knocked over a cup of steaming hot milk and it went all over the coffee bar, espresso machine, floor, and myself. I then had to act like everything was fine and make a line of drinks with milk everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 986
You deserved it 1 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you got time to count the people in line you got time to clean your mess! lol jk, but busy work can get hectic sometimes. Just remember, working slow is sometimes fast. If you slow down enough to not make mistakes, in the end you're faster.


I work at a coffee shop and know this pain all to well....

I've done that before...also stuck my hand into fresh brewed coffee trying to get a lid on

mariri9206 32

In regards to comments 13, 14, and 15: Ah, the baristas are coming out of the woodwork. lol