By bobuhbeartoe - 24/08/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, while showering, I finished off the shampoo bottle. I decided to see if I could shoot it into the trash can over the shower curtain. When I heard the successful "thunk", I got so excited I slipped and cracked my head open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 854
You deserved it 19 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you cracked it open? like a coconut? did any of your brains leak out? you need to invest in some grippier feet

dayrin7 4

hehe i least you made it in XD


RECYCLE then. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! simple as that!

jen11989 0

WTF is lmoa? Laughing my off ass?

Oh wow. My worst nightmare is to be hurt in the shower so badly that I can't save myself, and then someone else would have to come in and help me and see me naked. I hope that didn't happen to you OP!

OMG I feel bad for you. I would die if that ever happened to me.

3timesthefun 0

you cracked your head open, yet you still remembered to write that in that as a FML, and remember exactly what happened. I think this is fake.

you got excited? when there are fmls that say "and I got so excited that..." and something stupid happens, it's an automatic ydi. though I still find it funny.

sublime93 0

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fake.

cosmiccharlie 0

the classic "I-******-myself-up-in-the-shower" FML. Good for a chuckle, then I click 'you totally deserved it.'

OMGitsKaleyxo 0