By Jasmine - 10/10/2014 05:52 - United States - Sacramento

Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I noticed he looked uncomfortable. When I asked what was wrong, he asked when the last time I shaved was. I answered, "I shaved my legs this morning." He shook his head and said, "No, I meant your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 891
You deserved it 6 120

Same thing different taste

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Also if you shave you face it comes back thicker and with stubble, my friend did that in middle or high school and eventually she would sport a 5 o clock shadow. If you really want to be rid of facial or lip hair your best bet is to wax

justmeCee 16

The bleaching wears off too fast and can irritate skin. Waxing is better

Is the facial hair genetic or have you just noticed facial hair beginning to grow (particularly dark and thick), along with anything like acne, weight gain, and irregular periods? Sudden growth of facial hair is a possible symptom of pcos.

Why? At least he's letting you know..

Really #6? How would you like it if someone did this to your son just because he answered his girlfriend's question honestly and spared her potential further embarrassment in the future? Please grow up.

I'm sure this person is FMLing because she has facial hair, not because she's being told what to do by her boyfriend. Are you moronic or what?

i agree wholeheartedly, but i would also like to say men have it the same from us too, just different topics. its not only women who are attacked

Why? It's better than those boyfriends who just break up with you without telling you why. He could've said it nicer but she asked; he answered. He did nothing wrong. If she wants to break up with him for it, okay, but no need to bring violence into it.

Did you ever stop to think men don't shave it off BECAUSE they are hairier? Women are usually lucky enough to have finer lighter hair than men, that doesn't grow anywhere near as long. The average woman usually just removes hair from her lower legs and armpits, plucks/waxes her eyebrows and the darker haired ones may decide to wax or depilate the fine peach fuzz type upper lip hair. Some males grow body hair that can be over an inch long on their entire stomach, chest, and back, as well as both their upper and forearms and backs of their hands. They usually have longer thicker leg hair than women, and have far thicker, rougher, faster growing facial hair too. And don't forget the arse hair. How long do you honestly think it would take to remove ALL of that every time it starts to grow in, it just isn't practical. I also feel the need to point out it is women who started the whole trend to remove their body hair, and it is other women who are far more critical and judgemental and quick to name call. My friend was bullied at 13 for being pale with dark hair that made her upper lip hair visible, she bleached it which made it even more obvious and the bullying got worse, by other GIRLS, not guys. I was picked on wearing my school skirt because i didn't start to shave my legs until i was 12, again, by other girls. Women have just as much facial hair, it is just incredibly fine and stays short, on most quite un noticeable. It is darker haired girls and those with hormone imbalances who get the embarassing visible mustache, and it honestly doesn't look attractive. So no, it isn't mean or rude of him to not like it, and he only even said anything because she asked.

I don't get it. Was he talking about mustache or eyebrows or what? No offense, I just don't get it... O.o