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By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, me and my boyfriend were telling each other secrets, so I told him I shaved my upper lip. He said, "I know, it's prickly when we make out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 862
You deserved it 27 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LLsuperfly 0

haha why on earth would you tell him that?

Ebonyloan 0

LOL I agree with #1, why would you share those kind of things? And btw, don't shave your upper lip. It comes out darker and thicker so waxing or threading is the way to go! :D


LLsuperfly 0

haha why on earth would you tell him that?

yea agreed, that's a little to much information

jew_lala 11

Dude it's called waxing!! Try it!

why on earth would you shave!!!!???? It will grow back thicker and darker! Wax or tweeze! That way it comes back thinner and softer and when you're older it won't come back at all.

LOL... I thot about smth else until I realized OP said "upper lip" ... XD

fmlloverzz 0
Ebonyloan 0

LOL I agree with #1, why would you share those kind of things? And btw, don't shave your upper lip. It comes out darker and thicker so waxing or threading is the way to go! :D

It actually doesn't grow out darker or thicker after shaving. That's an old wives tale that is in fact false.

jordanprodigy023 0

yeah, why are you telling each other gay secrets like where you shave? that's just gross. I'd talk about where the bodies are buried, stuff like that.

Ender_ 0

Why don't you just live with your manliness like you were intended to? Don't shave your lip. You should flaunt it.

ihatestupidpeopl_fml 0


The same thing will happen if you wax it the only difference is he will feel it a few days later. If you were smart you would shave daily so it doesnt have a chance to grow.

CokokoLa 0

if you were smart you wouldn't even shave it, well unless its like a bush or something... oh god that sounds wrong... lol anyways if you shsve it once the it will get worse, it will be bigger, darker, and thicker

LLsuperfly 0

hahaha #8 you should get it lasered off... then it would be gone forever. or bleach it.

Bleaching it isn't going to make it unprickly, lol