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By Anonymous - 24/06/2014 02:26 - United States - San Luis Rey

Today, while visiting family, we went to a restaurant to eat. Towards the end of the meal, I went to use the restroom. When I came back, everyone was gone. Everyone had actually gotten into their cars and left without me. I have no idea where I am and no one is answering their phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 769
You deserved it 4 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

datechnerd 21

Hope you didn't get stuck with the bill too

Your family members are a bunch of assholes


kellyem2 20

This is probably old considering how long it takes to moderate, but you can call the police to get help if your family won't answer or come back for you.

"Whoops, I'm lost. Better go post about it on fmylife." FYL though, your family sounds like it sucks.

I've had my mom forget me at church.. And I've had my sister drive away on me! I feel your pain!

wow, how long where you in the bathroom?fyl. Hope you got Google maps

I hope the restaurant staff helped you find your way home. Perhaps this should be the last time you visit them. If they ask why, you aren't visiting remind them of this little stunt they pulled.

ostfaiz 18

try to recollect, it might b a reveng though!

Did you mention that you were going to the bathroom? It's happened to me a few times where ive up and went to the bathroom before leaving and the family just thought i disappeared for a cigarette. Hopefully it was a harmless mistake and they were waiting in the car. if not, FYL indeed.