By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 39 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


itsame0987 18

131. *affects *health *it's *health. Go... I thumbed you down for your terrible spelling and grammar.

It has not, nor will it ever, be proven conclusively to be harmful or cause anything. And I don't need the government telling me what I can or can't do with my own body simply because some jerkoff doesn't like my smoking. If you don't like it, go somewhere else, but don't be a retarded douche and say they should take away someone else's rights simply because you don't like it. This country has enough problems with the government putting its foot where it's not welcome.

batmite 2

stop being public watch. people like you are so annoying.

lumberjack610 1

Drop the weight and stop screwin with the smokers

If you don't think it's been conclusively proven that inhaling smoke from ANYTHING is unhealthy, you're in denial. However, I agree with you that it shouldn't be outlawed, not because I doubt the health hazards, but because I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of smoking outlaws.

142 i am pretty sure smoking is not a right but is just something that is not illegal For example is it a right that I can eat pizza whenever I want Also in this fml's cause it wasn't even legal

You continue with this. You STAND UP for what you believe is right. You stand up for what IS RIGHT. You ask that person nicely to stop smoking and you do that all you want, for it is the LAW. People like him do not have the right to smoke there, and worse so, they insult you about your build. That surely is a criminal offence just the latter part alone. Smoking is something that affects you, so why should you suffer. Being a bit large never does him any harm. Ignore all the people saying YDI, bcecause you don't.

Alright then Captain America. You show 'em.

7- Lmao! Sorry MetalFanGirl, but your comment reminds me of the Incredible Hulk! "Makes me so mad! Hulk smash!" ;)

Sorry but if your overweight I would have told you the same thing.

jojimugo 20

People who live in glass houses