By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 39 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


Yeah people are allowed to treat smokers very badly nowadays, we should do the same to fat people in that case.

people do. but their being fat doesn't affect your health. it can't cause respiratory issues to others... smoking CAN.

AliceLockehart 18

If it really bothers you that ******* much, ask him to move away a little, or move yourself.

he's a moron for his comment, but you should just mind your own damn business. move away from the smoke if it bothers you. or you could've politely asked him to stop smoking in an enclosed area instead of coming off like a goody goody douche by citing the law.

MrRager7 1

First of all, why are there so many "ydi's" for this fml? Because she's over weight? So that justifies some douche bag smoking in a bus shelter (which are usually small so the smoke would most likely be a lot stronger than being outside) Is it really that hard for his lazy ass to walk a few feet away from the shelter? Haha wow the stupidity in some people. If she is over weight, who gives a crap? People come in all different shapes and sizes. Don't like it? Don't look at it. And I plan on becoming a doctor and I've studied that second hand smoke can be a lot more dangerous than being over weight. A lot of big people are healthier than skinny people. Look it up.

Looks like you've been doing your research on wikipedia! :/ (rofl) There are many different studies that suggest all sorts of different things. What I've gathered is that they BOTH have negative health effects, and really, not one is worse than the other. No, we're not talking about people who are just mildly overweight - we're talking about the severely overweight/obese people whose weight is affecting their lives. K? Good. Thnx.

MrRager7 1

Wikipedia? Yeah im not 13. What you said was so general lol what was the point?

suitgirl5 5

YDI for being up in someone's business. You only have the right to harass others for their personal choices once you're ******* perfect.

Reading the comments on this makes me realize how many idiots browse this site. If there's a law in place against it and the smoke is making you uncomfortable, you have every right to say something about it. All these people defending him because they smoke too need to realize there's a difference between being a smoker and being inconsiderate. This guy is an asshole who deserves every fine he ever gets.

"Reading the comments on this makes me realize how many idiots browse this site." Agree, but you should probably change the word idiots to smokers in this instance. Even idiots are capable of recognising that telling someone not to smoke around them is not a bad thing. Only smokers and those who are easily influenced would argue for the right to smoke when it is not only affecting everyone else, but also illegal. "You should have moved"...really? Ugh. If someone was exposing their dick at the bus stop and I cited that this is illegal, I expect people to come up with something more intelligent than "you should have moved".

Oi, 'downtime'... you certainly need some down time. You're going to give yourself a stroke or something. Sit down, chill out and shut the **** up. Angry little shit.

If I pretend to care about your opinion will you stop sharing it? Oh, gee, you're right and in no way am I just going to respond with some lame retort like go **** yourself because I actually value your input. I definitely know who you are because your comments are always enlightening and in no way are you just some faceless idiot whose input doesn't even register on my radar. I hope you have a wonderful day and you don't go jump in front of a car. Run along now.

The_Big_Boss 20

Haha owned. That guy told you

Actually, 131, I don't smoke, and never have. But I still thumbed you down anyway because your comment is ridiculous and illogical. "Go ahead, thumb be (hahaha, oh wow) down smokers. That just proves you're addicted."? Are you serious?

I see more and more obese people buying disability scooters, having to use canes, walkers, etc. because their legs can't move such a large amount of weight, their bones are crumbling under the stress, and (as I can only imagine) being SO out of shape and heavy everywhere makes it INCREDIBLY hard to breathe (ring a bell, emphysema?)And who pays for it all? Usually, we do, with our taxes. Obese people who can't work because they're so heavy that it hurts, or they can't breathe, or maybe they just don't "feel" like it, sign up for Disability funding through Social Services. There's MORE of our tax dollars down the drain. We've had to change our city transportation, service stations, etc. all so it can be accessible to these massive people on wheels..... These people who, most assuredly, have an ADDICTION to food. (Not -all- of them, of course. I understand there are medical issues that cause it, but it's rare.) Their addiction to food is "OKAY", but smokers' addiction to nicotine? Of course not. And what has been done for smokers? Nothing. In fact, our country keeps banning more and more ways/places to smoke, leaving us with no accessible venue except the outdoors. And if we smoke outdoors? We get people like YOU telling us how horrible we are. For sucking on a cigarette instead of a chili dog. Cigarette prices are constantly going up, and we keep paying higher taxes on our packs and cartons- taxes that go to YOU. He may have been in the wrong for being rude to you and smoking in a bus shelter illegally, but it's NO WONDER why he's bitter, when people like you can go to McDonald's every day and ingest your cheesy-beef carcinogens, and stab at us for inhaling ours. I don't just mean -you-, OP - I mean EVERYONE, obese/overweight or not, who hate(s) on smokers while they do other things that are even more or as dangerous to their health. I have no pity for you.

i understand your point, but at the same time i've been at a bus stop where no one is smoking and there are kids and its pouring out or freezing and smoker comes along waiting of the bus and lights up and everyone either has to deal with it till the bus comes or go out into the weather because some person can't wait to get to the destination to light up. I've been the person that had to stand or was stood over by someone who you knew had just inhaled like two cigarettes while waiting so it just gets into your cloths and hair and even pours. Fat people generally only kill themselves faster, but smokers cause health issues to people around them too. Just saying. And fat people pay taxes to for all the food they inhale at the "fatty food marts." I mean if they eat out all the time they might pay more in taxes then you would for those cigarettes since. LOL That's a thought.

169, Theres so much misinformation and bad logic there that I don't know where to begin. It's like looking at common sense having an enema. Basic facts: Obesity caused by over eating is a result of someone overdoing something that they naturally have to do to survive. While breathing is a survival thing, we do not need to breathe through little sticks. So I'm going to have to point out that it makes no sense to suggest someone doing something in excess is anywhere near the same as someone who actively takes up something that has no purpose. You might as well just go around punching yourself in the face, thats how ******* stupid smoking is. Since when is food addiction "OKAY"? There are entire government and non government teams - hundreds of people all over the world - working every day to prevent this shit. These people work in government policy, programs, interventions, every single thing possible to stop people from doing this shit. So, how you've suddenly pegged it as "OKAY" because they aren't making laws against eating food is beyond me. You don't have to smoke, people have to eat, it doesn't get simpler than that. There is no health benefit from smoking, all food (even fast food) has some nutrition to it. You seem to think its a bad thing to ban places to smoke. If eating fast food directly impacted everyone around the person eating it I'm sure they'd ban that too. Smoking does this. I don't know how this is something that doesn't make sense to you...Banning public smoking is the bare MINIMUM that should be done to help people from becoming victims of other peoples stupidity. Sure, it sucks to be stuck next to a fat person who invades your personal space, but that has no impact on your health. If someone is telling you you are horrible while smoking then you are SMOKING AROUND OTHER PEOPLE. Why the **** are you doing this? What you are doing is the equivalent of that fat person taking their burger and shoving it down your throat. I have no pity for you being degraded for being a selfish ****. Only an idiot could possibly come up with any argument to SUPPORT peoples "right" to smoke without being called on it. The really ******* sad thing is that there are so many stupid twats supporting your cause here that I find myself posting this crap knowing it shouldn't even be ******* necessary. Thankyou for wasting my time.

Btw, I'm fat too. And I don't smoke because I'm pregnant. But I'm not a prick. If I have LEGS I can WALK AWAY from things that bother ME. Like grown ass adults do. Keep your disgust to yourself.