By craigtm029429 - 02/03/2012 00:47 - United States

Today, while waiting tables, I watched a woman pull the bacon off her roast beef melt and eat it. She then called me over and spent several minutes complaining about the our chefs' inadequacy because they didn't put bacon on her sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 842
You deserved it 1 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The things people will do for extra bacon.

Hahha did u tell her you were watching her the whole time?!


ZeroMavric 0

I bet she ordered a diet coke too.

And your response was hopefully, "M'am, I watched you pull the bacon out of your sandwich and eat it. I'm sorry that you're ******* obese and want to eat more bacon, but that would be theft."

lovepandorasaver 11

I would have grabbed my phone and immediately started recording her so I'd have some back up after telling her hell no. Screw that shit.

I guess you could call that "taking the bacon"

anonymous100000 17

"the customer is always right" rule is full of shit. go to her job and make it hell for her.