By craigtm029429 - 02/03/2012 00:47 - United States

Today, while waiting tables, I watched a woman pull the bacon off her roast beef melt and eat it. She then called me over and spent several minutes complaining about the our chefs' inadequacy because they didn't put bacon on her sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 842
You deserved it 1 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The things people will do for extra bacon.

Hahha did u tell her you were watching her the whole time?!


When I was a waitress people used to eat over half their meal then say it wasn't prepared right and want a new plate. I'm like " the breakfast slam is 2.99 are you serious"... My sarcasm and laughing it off kept them from bitching further.

almostalbino 10

Woman loves bacon, what can she say?

nanis2m 0

I know I had a guy order a side of toast 5 different times because it wasn't toasted to his perfection then he wanted me to take it off the bill.

C94_ 0

He could have gotten in a lot of trouble for doing that. People do a lot of ****** up shit in restaurants. the manager probably told him to just give her more bacon just to shut her up.

Me being stubborn depending on her attitude I would have to tell her off

Reminds me of the spongebob episode where the guy hides pickles under his tongue lol