By Anonymous - 11/04/2015 22:05 - United States - Shelby

Today, while walking down the street, a cute guy approached me. We ended up having some drinks then heading back to his place and hooked up. Afterwards, I used the bathroom, and when I came out, he was going through his wallet and asked me how much he owed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 935
You deserved it 11 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

It could'ave been a honest mistake OP, atleast he didn't cut off a chunk of your hair and ask you to prom?

Maybe that happened because you literally just had sex with a man you just met...


brendejafulable 41
lifeisstrange84 8

Do people really have such an issue with sex with someone they just met because there's an attraction? You're all lying to yourselves if you've never wanted to just **** someone you've seen that is hot. Some are just more honest about it.

You should have just taken the money and taken it with a grain of salt.. And 250 bucks

Eff that, take the money and go. Why not? And to everyone shaming her for sleeping with this guy the night they met: effff youuuuu...women are allowed to like casual sex, and it's really not that hard to avoid STDs if they practice safe sex so please stfu.


Alright! Be a glass half full and take the money and ask if he always pays his lovers. If so ask for a second date.

OGDono 12

I truly hope you got as much money out of him as you could, got dressed, then on your way out told you aren't actually a prostitute.

momac86 17

Bad mistake on both parts but if he's dumb enough to offer I'd say you both got taken

Dam I'm sorry I don't comment on these but that's a hard blow to the old self esteem

He probably thought you were a prostitute because of what you were wearing but that's if you were wearing like short shorts and crop top. Idk maybe though.