By Anonymous - 11/04/2015 22:05 - United States - Shelby

Today, while walking down the street, a cute guy approached me. We ended up having some drinks then heading back to his place and hooked up. Afterwards, I used the bathroom, and when I came out, he was going through his wallet and asked me how much he owed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 934
You deserved it 11 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

It could'ave been a honest mistake OP, atleast he didn't cut off a chunk of your hair and ask you to prom?

Maybe that happened because you literally just had sex with a man you just met...


kittynat 16

What did you expect?....don't be so easy next time OP.

Perhaps, considering that the guy was sleeping with a stranger just like she was, she expected him to assume that she was doing it for the same reasons he was. Who takes their prostitute out for drinks anyway?

That's what people assume when you sleep with someone you just met.

I wanna find out what street you walk on...

OMG I totally missread this as you were going through is wallet and asking yourself how much he owes you.

Wait, so let me get this straight: you got pleasured, and were offered do i sign up for that?

anonymous100000 17

LOL he assumes you're a **** because you gave up so easily. your mother would be so proud. YDI

So much ****-shaming and casual sexism in the comments section, smfh.

Yeah, crazy how someone who acts exactly like a prostitute can be mistaken for a prostitute.

Danielle_xxx 9

you poor thing! lol but girl that's not okay!