By helpme - 15/07/2013 17:25 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while waxing my bikini line, my husband thought it would be funny to scare me which caused me to close my legs. I am now sitting in the sink with my best friend pouring hot water "down there" trying to remove the wax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 574
You deserved it 4 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SumBur 11

Why does your best friend have to help you? That relationship will never be the same.

Wizardo 33

I guess wax on, wax off isn't gonna work here is it?


Riskia 15

Baby oil works much better than just hot water for removing wax. We used baby oil to remove wax residue when I was in school for Esthetics.

I heard Veggie oil helps But not sure

LaLa_xo 14

That's terrible! I hope you eventually got all the wax off OP.

Thats a real best friend right there

allisadawn91 8

You can buy wax remover. It works wayyyy better than trying to melt it off.

Last time I got wax stuck on me hot water, moisturizer and peanut butter EVENTUALLY got most of it off -.-

Use oil, trust me, the first time I tried waxing it was a total fail and ripped it off waaayyy too slow and wax just stuck there and the oil got it to come right off!

I am a man and this made me cringe.....

So you're getting hot water poured down your privates AND typing an FML!? ;)