By helpme - 15/07/2013 17:25 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while waxing my bikini line, my husband thought it would be funny to scare me which caused me to close my legs. I am now sitting in the sink with my best friend pouring hot water "down there" trying to remove the wax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 574
You deserved it 4 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SumBur 11

Why does your best friend have to help you? That relationship will never be the same.

Wizardo 33

I guess wax on, wax off isn't gonna work here is it?


I'm a licensed esthetician, and for the love of god, do not use water to scrub it off. ESPECIALLY HOT WATER. Jesus. Oil will get it off, so try baby oil, olive oil, or vegetable oil. Absolutely avoid hot water at all costs; take a lukewarm shower and do not take a bath or get into a hot tub for at least 48 hours.

you should buy some wax removing oil. you can buy it at shoppers drug mart

Adree 15

OH!!! BURNNNN!!! that man deserves to go to hell for that one! i am in physical pain just thinking about this :'(

tsh0rty 6

Never use hot water there are special wipes to remove the hot wax there made with oil

I don't know which would hurt worse, but wax is usually oil solvent more so than water.

Don't they come with the wax removal wipes to remove excess wax?

minnieloveskody 9