By broken finger - 18/07/2013 20:53 - United States

Today, while wiping my ass, the broken finger that has been set straight dipped into the toilet and touched a turd. This keeps happening since I broke it, and I'm sure it will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 390
You deserved it 12 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Sounds like a shitty situa- no... No.. Im better than this...


**screams*like*Amanda*Bynes*doing*an*Ask*Ashley*skit*on*All*That** USE YOUR OTHER HAND! How hard is that to figure out? You were born with two of them! Why would you use your hand with a broken finger to wipe your ass anyway? Man!

I know from experience (had a fractured hand once) that its a no-brainer to realize that even though have to use the other hand! So stop dipping in the toiled & either lift up to wipe or use your non dominant hand. How difficult can it be to understand...?

Use ur other hand or buy a box of latex gloves:)

How can so many people agree with this? The person is an idiot... DO NOT HAVE KIDS!!!

Wipe with the other hand, you literal dip shit.

Wait..... So I was a little confused as to why your hand would go anywhere near into the toilet. But then someone commented "lift your ass" and "stand up to wipe." Wtf?? I thought everyone stood up. Well, idk why you wouldn't.

Because if youre a women, pee can drip down your leg