By broken finger - 18/07/2013 20:53 - United States

Today, while wiping my ass, the broken finger that has been set straight dipped into the toilet and touched a turd. This keeps happening since I broke it, and I'm sure it will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 395
You deserved it 12 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Sounds like a shitty situa- no... No.. Im better than this...


nattlecakes 19

Use the other hand, or stand up to wipe!

...Or call your dog in (assuming you have one) and tell him to go to town. Dogs love to eat shit.

Where's your brain? Might try using that once in awhile.

msbeans07 2

Learn to wipe your ass with your other hand, unless you enjoy turd touching.

Stand and bend. Get your ass away from the water.

What I found odd was that your finger touched the water. How frigging big are your hands? My hands are HUGE and that wouldn't even be possible for me!

Wait... Men are supposed to sit down and wipe? I always thought that was just a woman thing...