By broken finger - 18/07/2013 20:53 - United States

Today, while wiping my ass, the broken finger that has been set straight dipped into the toilet and touched a turd. This keeps happening since I broke it, and I'm sure it will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 390
You deserved it 12 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Sounds like a shitty situa- no... No.. Im better than this...


1crabbygirl 10

I am astounded by the number of FML's that could be prevented with a courtesy flush.

PieknyCzlowiek 7

Not to be weird but if I kept touhig my own shit in a toilet because my finger is set, I would just stand up. Only because I cant usr my left hand...

justmeCee 16

Ummm...Use the other hand to wipe. YDI if you can't think if that on your own.

Dude, way too much information! Why don't you just use your other hand?

Wipe with the other hand or spay yourself so you don't continue stupid genes into the world.

circlelranch69 1

How bout stand the **** up till the finger heals. Please tell me you don't drive a car or fly planes or anything

Why not stand up when you wipe your ass Am i the only one that does that?

caitlinbblack 14