By Meow - 11/07/2009 06:28 - Australia

Today, while working at McDonald's a car full of obnoxious teens came through. They had made a $30 order, and handed me a tin of small change, claiming that on a McDonald's ad they saw that we, employees, liked counting change. I had to count out $30 in spare change during a rush period at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 285
You deserved it 4 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "**** you, and come back with cash"...or, you should have gotten your manager to say that instead...i've done that as a manager because bringing in a tin of uncounted change and expecting the clerk to count it for you is just plain rude. it holds up the line behind you and makes everyone unhappy.

letitbe56 0

You should have refused them service unless they counted it out themselves. If it was during a rush, your manager would have backed you up.


should have told them can't store policy says so then u can be like bye

This happened to me the other night... Especially during shop time... I'm pretty sure we got a bad score, too.

This happens to me so much! I hate how were treated like zoo animals

that sucks op, I've had to do that before. Fast food sucks to work at

Ah, so you'd like a side order of spit, and extra spit on your cheeseburger?

When I worked at mcds, they told me there was a commonly policy that you don't have to accept more than $8 in change, especially in a rush. I'm sure your manager would've agreed

I've had to do stuff like that (I'm really broke), but I've always had the courtesy to pre count it and separate them into different piles to make it easy.

I would of waited to give them their food until I was done counting the change. Enjoy you cold soggy fries

I work at Tim Hortons, I know how you feel.