By Meow - 11/07/2009 06:28 - Australia

Today, while working at McDonald's a car full of obnoxious teens came through. They had made a $30 order, and handed me a tin of small change, claiming that on a McDonald's ad they saw that we, employees, liked counting change. I had to count out $30 in spare change during a rush period at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 282
You deserved it 4 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "**** you, and come back with cash"...or, you should have gotten your manager to say that instead...i've done that as a manager because bringing in a tin of uncounted change and expecting the clerk to count it for you is just plain rude. it holds up the line behind you and makes everyone unhappy.

letitbe56 0

You should have refused them service unless they counted it out themselves. If it was during a rush, your manager would have backed you up.


Law in Australia - You do not have to accept payments over $20 that are made in silver coin....

Becx2 0

FYL...I work at McDonalds too...that majorly sucks

I wouldve called my boss and bitched. Seriously...There should be some kinda rule on paying with change only..especially that much! Hell, i wouldve caused a scene! but thats just me and my temper talking

martic835 2

Someone had me count out $20 in nickels, dimes, and quarters when I worked as a cashier. Nice.

SofaKingHappy 0

well YDI for working there :)

KytesKuonji 0

Was it all pennies? I had to count $50 in pennies last week! I feel your frustration.

say "sorry we only accept credit" and look them in the eye.

brando_jones96 0

wat wud of really sucked would of been a 'fire in the whole' after all that!

I would refuse service at that point, especially as a manager because I'm running a store, so we don't have time for that sh*t