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That's how I roll

By StellaSanguina - 09/10/2009 03:17 - United States

Today, a buttmunch customer brought in $7 worth of pennies I had to count and roll. As I was putting them in the deposite box at the end of my shift, I fumbled and dropped the rolls. All but one broke, spilling their contents on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 409
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do know that in some areas o the work it's illegal to pay with excessive amounts of change... right? I know I'm allowed to smile and tell customers that I'm not legally allowed to take more than 26 pennies in a single transaction. There's a limit on everything else too but I happened to memorize the penny limit because the damn things suck.

Pennies are still legal tender. Legally a store is obligated to accept any type of bill/coin as long as it is legal tender.


kinda your fault.. but hes still an asshole for bringing them in.

I believe in most countries you don't have to accept payments in all pennies if they are not rolled. You might wanna look into it for future reference.

Pennies are still legal tender. Legally a store is obligated to accept any type of bill/coin as long as it is legal tender.

Actually they're not, it's why you can have those penny squashing machines at tourist attractions. I've heard a story about a guy who owed his ex-wife a bunch of money, so he paid it by dumping a truckload of pennies on her front lawn... The judge ruled that he couldn't do that.

z3r0ram 0

YDI for working at mcdonalds

Yes, pennies ARE legal tender.

Buttmunch is among my favorite words, buttercup. The only word containing 'butt' that tops it is butterbutt. However, most people are offended when I use it. I think the immature vocabulary is rubbing off on the moderators. Such arsecandles we are! XD

kristen_lesli 0

I LoLed! xD Hey, buttmunches are people too! Stupid, cannablistic, potty-mouthed people (buh doomp, chee!), but people none the less xD if you understood my cheesy drum solo the first time you read this, I applaud you. :)

KiwiExchange 16

I swear this sounds like a Dexter's laboratory episode... The one with the crazy ice cream man and all!

Second Edit: Jokes jokes but really that sucks FYL

You didnt have to accept the pennies... unless you want to encourage your customers to act like assholes. You have the right to refuse any form of payment, including excessive coins or large bills. YDI for accepting the pennies.

YDI for accepting the pennies? Are you stupid? That's like saying women deserve getting raped for dressing too scantily.

well, dressing scantily sure doesnt help.... i would think

wasn't asking if it helped. Fail, learn2read.


It is a proven fact that women that look weaker are more likely to get raped. Just becuase you look scanty/whatever, doesn't mean you are likely to get raped. Also, in Austrlia, we have Bank Bags that have like "20 5cents for 1 dollar" written on them (also written on them are 10c and 20c and more, but I can't remember).

expen_dable 0

I love how "ferraricake" assumes the OP is the manager/owner of the store and has the ability to decline the pennies. once again, another person who has obviously never had a job in their life. And mr_ohcrap, how do you know every rapists reason for raping someone? how can you say "im pretty sure no one ever gets raped for doing this..." are you a professional?

Actually, no. While it's true that a business can deny services for customers for whatever reason (meaning if you're buying something, the store can deny you from purchasing the items for whatever reason including certain forms of payment), the business caveat is this: If a customer has already incurred the debt (ie eaten food, received a ticket, received a bill etc), the business HAS TO BY LAW accept any form of legal tender as payment for incurred debt. This includes an 'ass-load' of pennies. Pennies ARE legal tender. At least that's how it is in the US. Laws in other countries may differ.

wrestler285 0

at #8 no, you're stupid. he could have refused the pennies. women cant refuse a rape. its forced onto them. so it actually is his fault because he could have avoided the incident by not accepting the pennies in the first place. he actually had a choice.

jamila123 5
hornetchik 0

She gets ******* paid for it so she should do her ******* job and stop complaining. If she's allowed to refuse the pennies, then what was stopping her? Its her own problem, YDI.

expen_dable 0

hornetchick obviously has never had a job, or had to work hard in her life before...

hornetchik 0

Haha you are sadly mistaken actually. If you have a job, and are getting paid for it, there are certain responsibilities that you have whether you like it or not. Stop your ******* whining.

Just pay her $7 and ask her to leave with her pennies or not quit your job

if taking money isnt his job then why did he have to put the money away at the end? *Swish*

thats your job. or u should have told them they need to be bagged by a certain denomination. whiner.

Yay thank god i live in Australia so this doesn't happen, but then there's the 5 cents but still better than having pennies and FYL OP

You do know that in some areas o the work it's illegal to pay with excessive amounts of change... right? I know I'm allowed to smile and tell customers that I'm not legally allowed to take more than 26 pennies in a single transaction. There's a limit on everything else too but I happened to memorize the penny limit because the damn things suck.

areas of the world* I hate you, iPhone autocorrect.

Fail You may not be obligated to take more than 26 pennies. It's not 'illegal' to do so.