Too late

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I left home to start my new life at University. Saying goodbye to my mother, the last thing she said to me was, "Don't turn gay." I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 250
You deserved it 11 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Too late!" you cried as you flounced out the door.

Just went through a similar situation...going into my 3rd year of college and my mom knows im gay. She isn't accepting of it but is working through it...but lately we were speaking and the last thing she said was, "We're so proud of you...Don't blow it by being gay"


My dad wouldn't let me go to the college I got accepted to because he thought it would turn me gay. I found this out after I came out.

TallMist 32

If you're 18+ and you got accepted to college, your dad has NO RIGHT to stop you from going to college. Unless he's the one paying for it and pulls all the money, if he's even able to do that.

haha.. well it's time to tell her.. we all had to do it.. it's going to be okay.. lol..

i hate people who assume you can "turn gay" or "turn straight". you were born that way people, you dont just wake up one day and decide you like the same/opposite sex. ignorance makes me angry.

hyderabadi 0
hyderabadi 0

Well, you didn't turn already were.

microtrd 0

While her mom is a bigot, she isn't dumb. College girls experiment, sexually. This is proven fact. If you don't believe that, you're the one who's dumb. I for one am glad girls in college experiment. Certainly a good motivator to get kids further education.

Are you basing your comment on College movies like American Pie? You, sir, are the dumbass. Girls that "experiment" have always been bi-curious. I'm a young girl in college and never once had bi)curious thoughts. Stop basing your "facts" off your fantasies.

alexcabot 0

How the eff did 1200 people think he deserved this?

PlasmaFox 0

Easy, because homosexuality is for fags.