Too late

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I left home to start my new life at University. Saying goodbye to my mother, the last thing she said to me was, "Don't turn gay." I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 250
You deserved it 11 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Too late!" you cried as you flounced out the door.

Just went through a similar situation...going into my 3rd year of college and my mom knows im gay. She isn't accepting of it but is working through it...but lately we were speaking and the last thing she said was, "We're so proud of you...Don't blow it by being gay"


PlasmaFox 0

YDI for not listening to your mother.

visage 0

I guess this wouldn't be an FML if you were up front with your family in the first place.... huh? YDI for being a closet ****.

you are ignorant. every gay person is in the closet at some point, because it is assumed that you are straight. it takes time to be ready to tell your family and it's hard because you are worried about how they will take it.

visage 0

I come from a family who has delt with suicide, homosexuality and addiction. How have we survived? Be honest. The OP -- male or female -- has decided to stay in the closet this long. So you're damn right it is their fault. Is there anything wrong with being gay? Of course not. Is it right to hide it from those closest to you? No way. Tell them, allow them to react & adjust, and move long accordingly based on their decision(s).

#18 and #54, stop being so judgmental. Obviously you're not gay, or not in a conservative family... Some young gays have no choice but to stay in the closet, because they know their parents have very traditional values and will hate them if they come out, and even maybe cut them off or kick them out of the house.

AmpulexCompressa 0

Yeah, I was gonna say... you definitely won't be turning gay on her.

I'm wearing wellington boots, and listening to cows moo

Um, the OP is a woman. Don't think half the comments so far have realised?

She didn't want University to "turn you gay." You should tell you mom the good news is that it was life in her home that "turned you gay."

You and I know that, but it's a good way to stick more guilt and shame on her ignoramus of a mom.

microtrd 0

Why can't someone "turn" gay? I'm currently straight. If tomorrow, I decide to try sucking a dick, and decided I like that better, wouldn't I have "turned" gay? What about Ellen's EX, that crazy chick. First she was hardcore gay, then all of a sudden, not gay. I'm just saying, I know plenty of people are born gay, some choose later to be gay(call them bi if you want), and some are sexually assaulted at a young age. Your sexual identity belongs to you. **** anyone you want, date anyone you want. Be happy. Don't try to define that for anyone else but yourself.

primogen18 0

um, you wont do that tomorrow will you? its not a choice, trust me, its just who you are, saying otherwise is very very wrong. You will never want to try sucking a dick, and if you ever do and like it, you are discovering parts of yourself, youre not "changing" yourself at all.

microtrd 0

Not likely, but you never know. Recently I've liked more and more domestic cars. Does that mean I'm going to go buy a Chevy tomorrow? **** no. But maybe I'll test drive a Camaro the next time I'm in the market. Could the Cobalt SS turn me? Maybe. Maybe I'd just discovered my inner self. The arguement is one of philosophy not syntax, that leads to the same outcum.

What an odd thing to say. Did she think maybe rooming with girls would make a straight adult who got through puberty and that "question your sexuality" phase suddenly, inexplicably turn gay? Your mom is dumb.

Um...yes they are? Check next to their name.

visage 0

That's funny... Their profile claims to be female.