Too late

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I left home to start my new life at University. Saying goodbye to my mother, the last thing she said to me was, "Don't turn gay." I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 250
You deserved it 11 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Too late!" you cried as you flounced out the door.

Just went through a similar situation...going into my 3rd year of college and my mom knows im gay. She isn't accepting of it but is working through it...but lately we were speaking and the last thing she said was, "We're so proud of you...Don't blow it by being gay"


Your mother's last throw of the dice in fighting what she deep-down knows is inevitable. The dungarees kill her inside. As does the moustache.

netbeui435 3
macc55 2

I'm gay, I love all people of all races creeds and sexuality, come together as one, lets stop the hatred!

Deserved it for disrespecting your mother.

you spelled ****** wrong, if you're going to be a jackass to someone at least use the correct spelling of the words you use to insult them.

No I think they meant 'fagot', it's French, pronounced "fah-go" and it means 'fellow homosexual'. and by nasty, I'm assuming that was a typo and they meant to put 'tasty'. Simple mistake I suppose.

I got to this FML after #49's comment was moderated, but based on the translations I'm assuming #60's comment was a win.

Darling_Cherry 5

Welcome to my favorites list. :-) There's nothing wrong with being gay.

wazdog 4

FYL for being gay. Statistically, you will have a higher change of depression and STD than a heterosexual. This is in addition to the certain discrimination you will face from friends, family and co-workers your whole life. Worse part is it's not your fault.

I can't wait for the day in which we don't have to think this way..... that'll be nice.

We must first stop racism before we can stop discrimination. And in a country like the US, there's a long way for that

OP is not in the US, and secondly don't try to say one type of discrimination is worse than the other, racism IS discrimination but so is homophobia, you can't just say "oh hey, stop being racist, but we can work on homophobes later, it's cool"

pipsqueak2099 0

That's what I was gonna say. He wins :P

Urghh I would hate to be your in yr position. Good luck with your life anyhow. Sounds like you have a lot of pain with your mother coming, hope it gets resolved. (*normally I would post a narky comment but this is undeserving).

neji218 6

I have the brain the size of a pea

I love how you just tagged rape and molestation to being gay. There are no similarities between your two examples and being gay.

rebboy_2008 0

You've got to be kidding me. I especially like how you basically equate homosexuality to molestation and rape. Who knew stereotypes were so right. Thanks. I'm sure me and the rest of the gays are happy you "have no problem with gays." Makes me feel special. Just stating facts... jerk.

microtrd 0

He's not saying that being gay is the same as being a molester to HIM/HER, he's saying most good Christians (Middle Americans, Teabaggers) feel that way.

Erm... Your use the word "except" incorrectly is giving me a headache. You fail.