Too soon

By Anonymous - 22/09/2010 19:22 - Chile

Today, I finally quit my job after talking with a friend about making our own design/multimedia company. While I was on my way to his house, he called me and told me not to quit because he got an awesome job offer and couldn't refuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 229
You deserved it 7 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xquisite1 28

Ydi for not having a 100% plan before you quit! you dont quit based on"ideas". idiot.


hcovballer247 0

Your suppose to wait until the job is official before quiting. YDI because that's just common sense.

So go ahead and start the company on your own, without the flaky friend pushing you around. It is a gift, I'd go with it. Do you really need some numbnuts telling you when you can start your own biz? I think not. More entrepreneur, less partnership. +/-

I'm looking to hire a designer for my small web/software development business with the probability if becoming partner if you're still pushing the entrepreneurial spirit.

polka dot bikini girl!!! I love colla..., er, your shirt because it's nice to look at.. Cheers!

That's ok there are enough media/design companies anyway...

YDI. Your own company is a great dream but it's only a dream until it exists. You quit your job with no other job lined up. Win to your friend.