Top of the morning

By munnyfish - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, as I was waking up, I let out a huge morning fart. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was crashing at a friend's place, along with four other people. Yep, they all heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 615
You deserved it 34 096

Top comments

If you are a man then to be honest nobody would care.

your life is over. kill yourself for farting


doglover100 28

I don't find farting that big of a deal, everyone does it.

no big deal. my supervisor farts in a office dinner, no one give a shit.

JCal585 8
Annies 17

Why is everyone saying this isn’t an fml?? Farting (or anything having to do with the digestive system) is MEGA embarrassing. And don’t assume OP is a man just because of the icon. Not everyone can change theirs. I truly feel bad for you OP. You have my sympathy, if no one else’s.

as a lady, I would have found that hysterical. bonus points if you made anyone uncomfortable!