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By Anonymous - 19/02/2011 14:51 - Ireland

Today, I gave a safe sex speech to teens at my local high school. This was just ten minutes after my girlfriend had texted me telling me she's pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 174
You deserved it 48 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who tells someone they're pregnant in a text? Don't people talk face to face anymore? Sad and YTDI.

you_failed 15

Wow, what irony! D: I hope you DID have safe sex. If you didn't YDI.


Ohmygiluvcookies 0

um okay so either fyl becuz she cheated on you or ydi if your still in your teens

no, ydi for him being a hypocrite lol but rly dude congrats on the baby!

It's kinda obvious it's his from how he worded the FML... because he didn't deny having unprotected sex with her

Ohmygiluvcookies 0

oh yeah. dats true. oh cool I'm at the top(:

Acousticpixie14 6

Even with multiple types of birth control, there's always a chance of pregnancy.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yeah, tell that to the 10 month prego right here who exercised the use of birth control pills, condoms, and pulling out. FML

I'm calling fake on number 39.. 10 months pregnant?? and then using all of those methods.. you're doing something wrong lol

You can be pregnant for 10 months. It works out that way because a typical pregnancy lasts around 40 weeks and no more than 42. Since there are at least 4 weeks in a month, 40 weeks divided by 4 is 10. That's where the 10 months comes from. Also, oral birth control and condoms are only about 99.9% effective when used properly. There's always a small chance of pregnancy, no matter how cautious you are.

sourgirl101 28

Damn Pixie! You still haven't had that baby yet? I remember loonnnggg ago when you first mentioned being pregnant. Time to start eating spicy foods.(:

SirEBC 7

RBG- I get what you're saying about there 'always being a chance' since no method is 100% effective, but I think you also have to look at how small that chance actually is.

You would actually be incredibly surprised how often it does happen, regardless of the numbers.

Lalala1996 0

She didn't cheat on him. They either had unprotected sex or the condom broke.

itsHannahhh 0

thats exactly what I was thinking, lol.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yes, apparently he did ]: When my doctor referred me to my OBGYN all she could do was laugh and say I must be super fertile ]: And yeah, if I'm still here by Tuesday, my doctor is gonna induce me cause my fluid is looking a little low. I was really hoping to not be induced ]: Aaaaand yes. It's more common than you'd think I'd like to offer myself up as Exhibit A.

SirEBC 7

Sorry guys. I forgot I posted something on this thread. I know that it happens pretty often, but it's probably due to not using the contraception properly in a lot of those cases. The percentages are if they're used correctly, and really any tiny mistake can decrease their effectivenesses (WTF, that's a word?). And in no way am I saying that this is 83's case, because I recognize that the chance still exists even if everything is executed perfectly. I just think that most of the time it's probably due to something not being done properly.

kmarie7823 7

my friend never used any condoms or birth control with any of her previous boyfriends and they had unprotected sex all the time and she never got pregnant, then when she got on the pill she got pregnant. odd.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yeah it is a craaazy tiny chance. Just birth control pills and condoms together is .012% chance. But although that's a small percentage, that's just the percentage, apply that percentage to the number of people doing it and you have thousands of pregnancies around the world. And yes, you have to use them correctly. A lot of people don't leave enough room at the tip of the condom, or they don't take their pill at the same time everyday. Some people have sex even though they're taking antibiotics and that decreases the effectiveness. On my end, I was definitely taking my pill at 10am every single morning, just like I had been when they were prescribed to me when I was 12 (for medical reasons). I don't know if he did everything exactly right o his end, but it doesn't really matter now. I'm gonna a beautiful baby boy here any day now.

Yeah I was gonna respond but it wasnt Goin to be nice. OP should have read the text after his speech. less frightening then

Ohmygiluvcookies 0

80 I know that but it's always a possibility

you_failed 15

Wow, what irony! D: I hope you DID have safe sex. If you didn't YDI.

Safe sex or not, they're about 15 years old and having sex.

Well that does make you a hypocrite... But you have more important issues to deal with now so get focused on what's important bro

pwincessa23 1

well if you're both grown adults in a serious commited relationship then no problem. if you're not then maybe YOU should practice safe sex.

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

'well if you're both grown adults in a serious commited relationship then no problem.' I like the simple world were some people are living in... What if he/she/they do(es)n't want a kid, hey? No problem? I am a grown-up adult in a serious commited relationship, and actually, pregnancy would be a problem. A very big one.

Acousticpixie14 6

Well...are you having sex in this serious, committed relationship, DJeePee? 'Cause if it would be a problem, "a big one," then maybe you shouldn't be.

So people who never want children aren't allowed to have sex? How cruel are you?

Acousticpixie14 6

I never said you weren't allowed to. However, you would be trying to create the very thing that you do not want. That just doesn't make any sense. If something would be a huge problem for me, then I'd try and avoid it happening.


That's not a very big FML, though it makes you sound sort of hypocritish, unless someone else wrote the speech for you to read aloud.

GreeneyedWonder 0

6 - Unless they didn't plan for/want a child, and can't support it.

AmandaNAckles 0

agreed, don't tell others if youu don't do for youu.

Who tells someone they're pregnant in a text? Don't people talk face to face anymore? Sad and YTDI.

UpsidedownKayak 9

Congratulations, OP, since you were the one giving the speech, I am assuming you have a job and can care for your baby, unlike the teens in high school. The timing is, however, ironic. I guess you should have practiced what you preached.

YDI! If you didnt have safe sex, why tell a speech about it?

who says he didn't !? maybe the condom broke or there was problems so her birth control didn't work? I was on medication while I was taking my birth control and ended up pregnant.

Don't they tell you birth control possibly doesn't work when you take medication -_-??? So many people seem to not know simple things about contraception. (I'm not blaming you if your doctor didn't mention it, it is down to him to tell you!) Mainly to other people here; but just do research and get wise on contraception. If no one ever tells you then of course how are you suppose to know.. least do a lot of research on the contraception of your choice before you use it and read the instructions fully that comes with it then you;re covered for most issues.

Why should he have safe sex? Your parents didn't

no, he didn't tell me. he told me it should have been common sense. I'm 18, how many 18 year olds actually knows these things. not I.

similies06 0

I'm 18 and I knew that which makes you, girl above me, an idiot. do some research if your putting something in your body you should know how it reacts and what It does to you. don't be stupid, if you didn't know it's no ones fault but your own. if your old enough to have sex and use birth control your old enough to have a baby and take responsibility , because when you have sex your stating you know the risk and if a child should occur your old enough to take care of it. you just sound stupid. take responsibility for you because it's no one else's job but your own.

Acousticpixie14 6

Agreed. It's possible for the pill to not work even if you hadn't been on medication. And I've known about antibiotics affecting birth control for years. It's just something you should research if you're going to be putting that into your body.

Acousticpixie14 6

Agreed. It's possible for the pill to not work even if you hadn't been on medication. And I've known about antibiotics affecting birth control for years. It's just something you should research if you're going to be putting that into your body.

"I'm 18, how many 18 year olds actually knows these things. not I." = "Oh, I am 18, do I actually have to be responsible?" Girls like you are the reason I can't stand teen mothers. There is a tiny little paper included with your pill, maybe you should have read it, because it clearly says: "throwing up, having diarrhea, taking medicins... may increase the working of your pill. With doubts, call your doctor." I really can't stand it. Last month I read an article about a teen mom, telling exactly the same bullcrap as you. 'How was I supposed to know antibiotics may disturb my pill'. And that's raising a child, brilliant, can't be responsible for her own, but will be it for another person. Ffs...

Agreed. People seem to know less about having sex & anything related YET but are A-Ok to have it.

you can all stfu! not my fault I'm not all knowing. ive never been happier, I'm due in 5 weeks and I wouldn't change a thing!

you can all stfu! Its not my fault I didn't know. I'm not regretful one bit, I'm due in 5 weeks and I've never been happier! ;.

you can all stfu! Its not my fault I didn't know. I'm not regretful one bit, I'm due in 5 weeks and I've never been happier!

Acousticpixie14 6

IT IS TOO YOUR FAULT THAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW!! It's not your doctor's responsibility to educate you. It's their responsibility to help you stay healthy. It's YOUR responsibility to educate yourself, read the damn label, and do any research you can. Is that how you're going to act when your child gets sick and needs medicine? Are you not going to read up on what you're putting into their body? You're going to be raising a baby and you can't even take responsibility for your actions. Wow. Your child is definitely in my prayers.

excuse me for not knowing! Im not regretful one bit, I'm due in five weeks and ive never been happier!

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm not saying you should regret it. I'm saying you should grow the hell up before that baby gets here because your current attitude is NOT the attitude of a good parent. You take responsibility for what happens and don't walk around blaming everyone else!