Trick question

By Anonymous - 03/02/2013 21:57 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend asked me if she looked fat in her new pair of jeans. Knowing I was probably about two seconds away from all hell breaking loose, I instinctively tried to save my game, before remembering I wasn't playing a video game. I really need to get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 592
You deserved it 33 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a girlfriend, AND you are an avid gamer?! How in the hell? Teach us your ways!!


well I was meeting up with a friend, I waited for a long time. I called him up and asked him what world he was on (like what server he was playing on)....... the fact that I went through all of this truly thinking what world he was on is very terrifying.

You just took a Viagra and hit us with a rock hard, misdirection.

disasterlydeed 26

This is pretty much a YDI because you should've said no -- the only right answer in this situation. But at the same time, I honestly wish there was a "save game" option in real life because it'd be so convenient

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20