Turned on

By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 10:57 - Denmark

Today, was the first time my boyfriend slept over. He was hard, so I woke him up by whispering in his ear, "If you could get me to do anything right now, what would it be?" His response, "Can you get me a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream?" He was hard, for ice cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 459
You deserved it 14 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just daft, happens to guys whether they are in the mood or not when they wake up. Stop being so whiny

uh... it's called morning wood and it doesn't work for sex. Sorry.


balanceMMX 0

isn't there a song about morning wood?

eoh42 0

#121, you are an idiot. I am not even religious. This is just common sense.

Ahahahha, #118. But dude, seriously, yeeeeees! Mint chocolate chip ftfw.

He was asleep. You're an idiot to think that you'd wake him up and that he'd be in his right mind. If you really want to get his mind on you immediately, go down on him to wake him up.

flyhigh26 0

Well mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream is pretty delicious.

Blind_Ninja 0

If you really wanted some, you should have got some. He was hard, it would have worked. Even if it wasn't the first thing on my mind, I'm sure his mind would have switched gears quickly enough for a morning quicky. I slept over with a girl once and she took advantage of my morning wood. I didn't stop her. Then she made me breakfast. So I won.

i agree with #126. But don't be too gentle, or too rough. He might pee on you

Guys get boners in their sleep. Even if they aren't horny.

The problem wasn't that you opened your mouth. The problem was that words came out of it.