Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

Top comments


Never! No six year old would say something like that!

What the hell are you teaching your daughter?

NIkkiTIne 0

well u did raise her,, teach her some manners!!

beckybecks20 8

Your screen name is ugly woman. XD

aiden2976 0

I don't think you should smack her or anything. you just gotta realize that truth hurts

knight0748 5

Tell her she'll grow up looking like you!

mariet_fml 23

No Christmas presents for her, since at this point you either spanked her or you didn't.