Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

Top comments


just wow....i never knew where one of those stuck up bitches who make life miserable for everyone around them get made. now we do.

Shane_1324 0

nice try. that's from the movie I hope they serve beer in hell

sallen0046 4

Someone had to teach her that. If it wasn't you, you need to do some serious evaluation of who your child is around. Children pick up things from everyone they spend time with and that includes the television, something many people forget.

justbigbs 6

should not use violence with bad mouthing, that only passes down more violence thus our society of homicides. bad mouth in my opinion should be should be rewarded in the same manner, etc " you're not that great looking either" etc etc. or by previligous taken away for a long time, etc no allowance, no tv, no candy for a month, only veggies for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month should do the trick. either that or the kid gets a visit to the adoption house. Octo mom could probably use another kid. otherwise you will be on "the nanny" tv show after the kid steps all over you. If the kid use's violent quick five fingers will be on her/his face the old school way