Underage boozing

By drunk under 18 teenager - 19/08/2014 13:37 - Morocco - Marrakech

Today, I was hammered, and on my way home I walked into a policeman. My logic was, if I'm on the phone, he can't talk to me, so I pulled my phone out and started speaking. The officer then asked me why I was speaking to my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 093
You deserved it 50 308

Same thing different taste


So now he'll think you're just a "crazy" that likes to talk to inanimate objects vs being a drunk on the loose? Great plan!

Quick thinking for being drunk! Too bad it backfired.

derpina72 23

I don't know the drinking age in morocco, but in America, it's 21; however, at 18 Americans can sign up for the army to go and die for America, but they still can't drink. I honestly think the drinking age should be lowered in America about 16, or even younger, because then teens can know what it feels like to drink and learn their limits BEFORE they get their license. At least OP wasn't driving. Drinking and driving endangers everyone nearby. It's not very often you hear of underage drinking AND driving, but you hear lots about grown, "responsible adults" killing people because they were driving intoxicated.

kingdomgirl94 29

Yes let's let children drink, great idea.

The part that pisses me off about the US drinking age is that it's not Federally mandated. They leave it up to the states to set their own drinking age. But if they go below 21, they lose access to some Federal funding. So instead of just passing a national law they decided to lean on the states to do it for them so they wouldn't come across as assholes.

cryssycakesx3 22

kids aren't dumb enough, let's add alcohol... I hate when people use the argument of "you can do this at this age but can't drink" there's a lot more that goes into establishing those limits. allowing it in other countries doesn't make it right either. there are countries that punish women for getting raped.

askullnamedbilly 33

Even more ridiculous: You can get executed before you can order a bottle of beer for your last meal. Because even if you're old enough to be killed by the state, you're still not old enough to have some alcohol.

if you want to go that route pot is more restricted than alcohol but alcohol is more dangerous. Causing liver failure, pancreatic problems, multible cancers, heart issues, brain damage, thinking and reflex impairment, and in order to remove this toxic substance it must be changed various times including into acetaldehyde which is much more dangerous. Consider that next time you pick up a beer. Not trying to make people stop drinking because i still do. I just think you should know what you put in your body.

In South Africa, we may legally drink and drive at 18. After a certain time in the evening on weekends, we are especially cautious on the roads due to all the barely legals getting wasted and driving, putting everyone else's life in danger. That being said there are older adults who do the same of course, but on a much lesser scale. And we are not a pedestrian heavy country, if you need to get somewhere chances are you will be controlling the vehicle making the trip. I think the gap between legal driving at 16 and legal drinking at 21 may just be better - those who have just become of age aren't as eager to do all these things at once, or together.

LOL!!!! Quick thinking but totally backfired.

You could always play it off like you have schizophrenia

Maybe you should have been thinking more about not drinking so much to the point that you have to disguise it...or just don't drink! Always do the buddy system when you do!

to all those saying you deserve it, can you honestly say you have never had a drink underage, I cant and dont know anyone who can maybe its because im from Europe and have a more liberal approach to alcohol but i feel that teaching kids the danger of alcohol and encouraging sensible attitudes towards alcohol are more effective than a total ban till 21

I find it hilarious that they let us sell a toxin as a beverage but we cant add our own and serve it, but seriously why do people get so upset about drinking limits there are tons of other fun and safer ways.to enjoy being with friend. If you have to be drunk to enjoy hanging out with them get new friends.