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By Anonymous - 21/08/2020 11:05 - Australia

Today, it's my birthday, I once again had to remind my best friend of this fact, like I have every year for the past 20 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 265
You deserved it 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people you just have to give up on,. My first cousin has a daughter (now in her twenties) who was born on my birthday. For several years in a row, I wished her a happy birthday on Facebook and pointed out that we have the same birthday. Each year that I said this, she expressed surprise, and never once did she wish me a happy birthday in return. It obviously means nothing to her, so I took the hint and stopped saying anything to her about it.

You need to do what my friend does to help everyone remember her mid-August birthday: she drops hints in the days leading up to it. Starting in May is a bit thirsty, though.


You need to do what my friend does to help everyone remember her mid-August birthday: she drops hints in the days leading up to it. Starting in May is a bit thirsty, though.

I don't see a problem... are they forgetful?

Some people you just have to give up on,. My first cousin has a daughter (now in her twenties) who was born on my birthday. For several years in a row, I wished her a happy birthday on Facebook and pointed out that we have the same birthday. Each year that I said this, she expressed surprise, and never once did she wish me a happy birthday in return. It obviously means nothing to her, so I took the hint and stopped saying anything to her about it.

I'm bad with birthdays, so i use reminders on my phone. Borrow her phone and set a reminder for next year. If she "forgets" again, then you're off the hook for doing anything for all her bdays or special days.

I honestly think that if this has been going on for 20 years then you'd be use to it. ydi

A best friend... for 20 years that doesn’t remember your birthday. We have ways of remember things like reminders on our phones and calendars. Obviously they just don’t hold you to the same regard you hold them.

Maybe this person isn't really your friend if he/she hasn't figured it out in 20 years.

phybreawptic 13