
By Anonymous - 06/11/2022 14:00

Today, I have come to the realization that I will likely never be happy at a job. Either it’s low pay, bad work/life balance, racist/homophobic coworkers, or terrible bosses and/or customers. I’ve worked jobs in several different fields and it’s all the same. Yet people say “No one wants to work!” Fuck that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 770
You deserved it 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No place is perfect. People who constantly chase greener grass eventually find that the grass is greenest where you water it.

Sounds like the best job for you would be serial killer. There are so many true crime podcasts, I'm sure you could somehow monetize your murder spree.


Sounds like the best job for you would be serial killer. There are so many true crime podcasts, I'm sure you could somehow monetize your murder spree.

You could work from home. None of those pesky "human beings", great work/life balance, no commute, and some of those gigs, like tax preparators or programmers, have great pay. Plus, you can cosplay as a cute kitten in your Zoom calls.

Yes, this! I'm on industry number 4, I'm not even sure anymore what other options I have. I have loved each industry, I left because atmosphere and management. Each place is better than other, but each has their own special place in hell.

No place is perfect. People who constantly chase greener grass eventually find that the grass is greenest where you water it.

It’s called a job because they have to pay you to do it - instead of it being a hobby you do for enjoyment. Yes there are some bad bosses out there and some bad establishments where it’s more unpleasant to work than most. There are both bad jobs and bad workers. If you have found the same thing across several jobs and business types then either you are really unlucky or the problem may be you. You might be lacking the work skills to get a better job or you might have an attitude problem that impacts your ability to get a better job. It’s time to really think about a self evaluation honestly. Maybe if you have a brutally honest friend who knows you well they could provide some insight. When you keep getting the same results no matter where you work, something needs to change… All else equal, the more people you are competing with for the same job, the lower the pay and the worse the working conditions - That’s built into capitalism. You move up the ladder by acquiring commercially needed skills and/or a positive attitude on the job. Bear in mind the skills and knowledge you acquire have to be ones that businesses need… I have a suspicion OP is just venting (not my favorite thing), but they do have a problem that needs significant effort to ultimately remedy… OP - I wish you well. The first step in addressing a problem is realizing there is a problem. The next step is understanding what the problem is - Followed by figuring out how to correct the problem and then following through.

work for yourself,start a business. problem solved

About 85% of people are unhappy with their job. Seems like entrepreneurship is the best option, if you can hack it. Asked by bro how he finds the time to raise a kid. Turns out him and his wife work 1/2 as much as I do. A 25 hour flexible work week really opens things up.