No way
By SingleSoon - 08/01/2024 16:00 - United States
By SingleSoon - 08/01/2024 16:00 - United States
By ishyboo - 27/02/2016 22:59 - United States - Baraboo
By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 15:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 12:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/12/2011 11:55 - United States
By Theresa - 26/10/2020 13:55
By Anonymous - 17/10/2009 07:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/10/2024 10:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/06/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 16/03/2021 11:59 - South Africa - Cape Town
By Denise - 03/03/2024 03:00 - United States - Palm Beach
You obviously know more than I do on whether the two had any history and what's going on between them. BUT if this midnight kiss is LITERALLY all that happened and there are no other red flags, etc -- then I would say you are over-reacting. It's kinda a tradition to share a midnight kiss with a friend/partner (remember "Friends"?) and it could be just that (but obviously, there's a difference between a 1-second smooch and Frenching each other for 10 minutes). The dude is sorry and appears to genuinely love you. Don't get me wrong - it's definitely a reason for a good fight. But not a divorce, imho.
His son is terrified of fireworks and dude is sucking face with some side piece. Wrong priorities
Maybe but if that's all it is I think she's overreacting.
Definitelly wrong, but not wrong enough for dividing a family
Yeah in Friends, they were all SINGLE at the time. Not married you jackass
are we talking a quick peck or are we talking with tongue? because if it was just a quick peck you're being absolutely ridiculous
if there isn't any more to this story like previous suspect behavior then you definitely overreacted. it was just a new years eve kiss. if it was a romantic kiss and you've had red flags about her, then you did the right thing.
You obviously know more than I do on whether the two had any history and what's going on between them. BUT if this midnight kiss is LITERALLY all that happened and there are no other red flags, etc -- then I would say you are over-reacting. It's kinda a tradition to share a midnight kiss with a friend/partner (remember "Friends"?) and it could be just that (but obviously, there's a difference between a 1-second smooch and Frenching each other for 10 minutes). The dude is sorry and appears to genuinely love you. Don't get me wrong - it's definitely a reason for a good fight. But not a divorce, imho.
His son is terrified of fireworks and dude is sucking face with some side piece. Wrong priorities