Unusual method

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, my friend was having a party. It was going good until I got the hiccups really bad, and they wouldn't go away. My friend decided to scare them away by shooting a pellet gun right next to my head. Bad news: It blew out my eardrum. I still have the hiccups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 924
You deserved it 5 168

Same thing different taste

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petec 0

In my experience (and my sons have had a lot of hiccups over the years) blowing up a paper bag and popping it a few feet behind the person when thryre not expecting it usually works.

pellet guns just use springs, they arent loud at all

fretforyerlatte 0

i've always found breathing in and out slowly into a paper bag takes them away. little less dangerous than some other solutions.

You realize hiccups are spasms in your diaphragm, right? You deserve it for being an idiot even though your friend should have probably put that bullet through your head

Ur friend is soooooooooooo stupid! A way to cure them is to swallow 3 times.

that so sucks. FYL. but still, i think its kinda over exaggerating about how it blew out your ear drum... but you never know. these things happen.

I would have returned the favor to your friend.

a pellet gun would do nothing to your eardrums. Sorry. A cap gun, might... but still I dont think that is near loud enough.