Unusual method

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, my friend was having a party. It was going good until I got the hiccups really bad, and they wouldn't go away. My friend decided to scare them away by shooting a pellet gun right next to my head. Bad news: It blew out my eardrum. I still have the hiccups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 924
You deserved it 5 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments


random_thought 0

someone told me that if a friend tells you that they'll give you 50 bucks to hiccup, you won't be able to. i'm not sure if it works, but its definitely an interesting theory.

annaattack 0
Jarlais 0

How does a pellet gun blow an eardrum? They're quite compared to a real gun!

To # 38/39, FYL for having bad grammar. "Anyone else notice his typo? " untill " , loooool. FYL for having bad grammar" First of all, when using quotation marks, punctuation such as commas always reside inside the quotation marks. It is a common error to place punctuation outside the quotation marks, however, it is still incorrect. Second of all, you are using fragments instead of sentences. Third, you are laughing out out out out out loud. That's more than a double word error right there. Third, when you end a sentence, you need some sort of punctuation. I would suggest that you say: Did anyone else notice his typo? He said "untill." Lol. FYL for having bad grammar. Hope you enjoyed your grammar lesson of the day.

annaattack 0

Thank you, #89. Go back to elementary school, people.

Laci_Laine 0

I agree that he probly meant a cap gun...

Laci_Laine 0

One time we threw jumping jacks (fireworks) into the kitchen sink full of water and I thought it was going to blow out my eardrums! Lol