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Useful idiot

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. He said he would have done it two weeks ago but he needed someone to drive him around while his car was getting repaired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 078
You deserved it 4 534

Top comments

chino627 0

pretend you want to give him a bj and then punch his balls back to where his childhood was


chino627 0
bravesfan112233 0

he was thoughtfully training you to be a taxi driver. what a nice boyfriend

pretend you want to give him a bj and then punch his balls back to where his childhood was

13yearoldboy 0

lol either training you to be a successful taxi driver, OR completely using you and being too much of a failure to pay for his own gas. know what? make him pay for it! and if he refuses.. slash the bastard's tires!

Wow, your comment was so helpful and full of insight. I'll bet you deliberately drive through puddles to splash people on the side of the road, too.

what don't you just go repair his f-ing face?

48- no one gives a **** that u don't give a ****

imacreeper 3
imacreeper 3

76, your so bad. tell me more.

PurpleRae420 0

Drive to his house walk up to the door kneel on the floor knock and as he opens the door PUNCH HIM IN HIS ******* NUTS!!! Nuff said

81 no one gives a **** that you don't give a **** about him not giving a ****!

90. you're a bitch. why the nuts? the face, the kidneys, anywhere but the nuts.... that's just not right. besides cheating, there is very little that warrants a nut shot....

101- I knew that shit was coming ^^so I don't give a ****

Let me help you out 118- "I knew that shit was coming... so I don't give a ****... that you don't give a ****, that I don't give a ****, about her not giving a ****!!"

agaba 0

why the **** do people keep ******* telling muther ******* people to shut the **** up and **** off ok just stop ******* cursing god the nerve of some people

skaterpaige 3

naw, just make him pay period. not just for gas....paybacks a biitcch:}

staceysgenesis16 0

hah you should take a bat to his car. then make him lay for gas

staceysgenesis16 0

adding on to 90... after punching him in the balls and he asks "why??" point to him and say "You know why! You know why!"

58, no one gives a ****, about you not giving a ****, about 48 not giving a ****!!!!

173- I not the one not giving a ****! It's 101

ydnar 5

@ #44 Ouch!!! but I gave your comment a thumbs up anyway. lol

How? OP's bf was riding her, in a very nonsexual way, however.

some guys have no heart. girls deserve better

ImaWiseGuy 5

that's an excuse if I've ever heard one...

fthku 13

*Some people have no heart. People deserve better. Fixed #134. Why aren't people jumping on 134 for being "sexist"? Damn you, hypocrisy, you win again.

traze 7

Smash his ******* car that jack off.

What?! Why would you smash his car? Don't you think that that's a little over the top for what he did?

traze 7

He used her like a taxi...and planed to dump her...or do you like to be used like a cheap *****?

We people tend to express our emotional rage when confronted with indignities, through the Internet.

Yeah, but smashing his car? C'mon. I thought revenge was never the answer. But if she is gonna get revenge, I wouldn't do something that could get her in trouble and cost thousands.

traze 7

Well you have a point there...,but still his doings was ****** up and karma is still a bitch.

even more extreme: cut off his eyelids, tie up him and his family and cut out their eyes. while he watches, unable to close his eyes.

Shadow4i5 3

*** the car up don't let him get away with being a dick. Get some dignity 4 urself

traze 7

Yeah...go shopping at your local smash a car mart and get ski mask, specialty bat for smashing windows and kicks made for a quick get away...

riceicle1 6

52 as you said karma's a bitch but If she took revenge she would get her karma back some day

traze 7

172-I was withdrawing my first suggested fix and referencing to the bf...

sixfoot2 0

that's incredibly ****** up! you gotta get back at him for using you

this guy is right. anyone have ideas for revenge?

13yearoldboy 0

revenge plots should include you doing something to his car.

This is a guy who thinks ahead. At least he does that well...

eag05 0

- u knowwww!!! ( ice cube voice)

i think OP's the tool because she got used.

shibainu519 0

i think you're the tool cause you called op a tool.

boricua458 0

I lift things up, and put them down!

Run him over with the car you drove him around in :D

Normally I'd do a one line pun but I'll say this. Karma has its way of catching up to him and he'll get what's coming!

BAMF519 0

well Srry to say but umm....he used u

No, really?! Way to point out the obvious.

BAMF519 0

wow, u no the point 2. duh!

robotiick 12

hey 12 no shit Sherlock of course she got used I agree wit the first reply to u

Captain Obvious now is visiting FML! Let me assure you- this is only a clone. BUT BE WARNED: AVOID THE OBVIOUS 0.o

Child, I want to go through all your comments and be a grammar Nazi. Not only did you apperently flunk English class, your comments make me want to troll you.

chicago4star 0

did you purposely misspell aparently? I'm the so-called grammar Allied Force.

Nope, that was an accident. Thanks for pointing it out :)