Very funny, Dad

By Anonymous - 20/05/2011 23:30 - United States

Today, I had my new girlfriend over for dinner. Halfway through the meal, my dad started poking her with his fork. When I asked him what the hell he was doing, he barked back, "Just making sure she isn't a blow-up doll!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 659
You deserved it 4 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

wow fy gf's life...what an awkward meeting the parents dinner...


sounds like your dating experience or girl friend history isnt too good if he is checking for a blow up doll

hahaha bet you had to repair that hole from the fork after

That's pretty ******* hilarious! im sure you got some explaining to do for your father

eff5 0

if i was you i would've asked your mom what she saw in your father

pinklady72191 4

did you then show her your dead ferrets ashes and start crying?

i bet you used to have a blow-up doll fetish!! or your gf is really drop dead gorgeous. OR your dad is just so awesome!

angellovesjake17 0

Okay, this made me laugh. And what made it better was hearing a dude talk about erectile disfunction on tv? Well I have 3 things to say: 1. You might want to be glad it was just a fork and not his penis. 2. If she is ever late going to your house, CHECK YOUR DAD's ROOM! he might want a turn at the "doll". 3. Your dad is ******* AWESOME! I wish my dad was like that :)

If she has a sense of humour she's going to think it's adorable. ;)

denvan 0

Your dad is a legend mad respect for the move he made