VPN time
By Hannah - 01/03/2010 03:16 - United States
By Hannah - 01/03/2010 03:16 - United States
By Spencer - 06/12/2018 12:30
By Nohelpforyou - 04/03/2022 12:00 - Canada - London
By Anonymous - 16/04/2024 10:00 - United States - Bowling Green
By Kin - 25/10/2009 20:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 16:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2022 21:59
By Jakub89 - 05/06/2011 20:31 - Canada
By Anon - 30/03/2012 05:10 - New Zealand
By CaptainStars - 29/06/2020 20:01
By whyme - 08/12/2010 06:26
I'd go with private. that site is private and only open to those in a certain area, i don't think u can say more than that.
I'm sure depressed people can relate to other depressed people and they can share coping mechanisms with each other. Just like alcoholics can relate to other alcoholics and people who are like rock music can relate to other people who like rock music. not a hard concept to get
I disagree, I don't think you "share" coping mechanisms, you share problems. Well, the coping mechanism IS sharing problems... In AA meetings (since you brought up alcohol) it is basically to listen to some dudes talk about messed up shit & their life and to get one guy to realize he's a retard and stop drinking. You might not agree but that's just how it is, help groups are there for you to understand that your situation is not as bad as someone elses and depression is basically that, a feeling of your life being over. The rock thing has nothing to do with your strange goal to try and justify someone saying "I got excited because I found a bunch of depressed people." It's the equivalent of a man breaking his arm and getting excited when he sees more people in his situation.
I actually joined a program that specifically helped with anxiety, depression and the like. We all learned how to properly handle our emotions, better understand the ways we felt, how to deal with our anger/depression/anxiety, the source of our problems, and overall, how to effectively change our lives. It helped me quite a bit, you wouldn't recognize the "before" and "after". Not all groups are like AA meetings.
It's perfectly fine. :D What upsets me is that my PHONE tries to correct my spelling and they actually spell the word wrong/don't know it. I can't believe a "professional" designed it and also made it impossible to program new words/spelling. Especially when they think "muffin" is better spelled "nudegm". I weep for humanity. But I rejoice that my boyfriend has no hesitation for correcting me. It's hard to find someone actually intelligent these days.
It's good that it worked for you and the people in your group, but there needs to be a completely different level of intelligence, understanding and willingness for the group talk about problems style of healing to work like it did in your case, which is just rarity and chance. I say it's rare because usually if people can get to the conclusion of how to handle their emotions and understand their feelings etc they don't have those problems in the first place. I think for the majority, the groups only work if every person in them understands that the person next to them is in a far worse place and you're doin alright and you can be fine.
I agree with what was said about the groups and whatnot really working and helping every single person in them. My issues with anxiety are just terrible half the time, but I get sick of literally EVERYONE when I'm having an attack, and I'm breaking down, and I just can't handle it, and their response to me is "Just calm down, you have to just relax." If it were honestly THAT easy, I wouldn't be this way. If it were easy enough to just "breathe" and calm down, I would be a normal person without anxiety disorder. I would be an average person dealing with a bit of stress. But I'm not. And I can't change the way I am on my own and that's one thing people don't realize about it being a REAL disorder. It's not something you can just change. No matter how hard you try or how much people believe that's true... That's why a "group" would never help me. I've heard of every "coping mechanism" there is, but in my opinion, if those "coping mechanismns" work so well, then did you have a REAL problem with it to begin with, or were you just stressed out? Because my issues, tear at me inside and out, and there is literally NOTHING I can do about it on my own.
get a room u two also grammer and spelling do matter outside school but is it that important to b included into forums and blogs???? no I didn't think so
You would not believe how much of an eyeroll I just made. It does matter. If I'm going to take someone's comment seriously, I'm going to judge them on both the point of what they're saying and how they present it. So yes, spelling and grammar do matter. I know a potential employer would do the exact same thing on a résumé. You can think caring about your spelling and grammar on a public forum is like practice for the real world. Sure, you let little things slide, but you don't want to completely act as if you have a sixth grade education. There's a reason most newspapers and magazines are written at that level as well.
Thank you, Snickers. I've wanted to get that off my chest for a while. I grew up being told that people who swear are just too lazy to find other words, and people who don't use their education to their best advantage are a waste. I never want to be that person.
if you don't know anything about depression, stfu. "does depression cause stupidity?" #23, that was soooo ignorant. you guys are pathetic. why don't you google depression before making you're stupid assumptions. yea, you CAN get excited if you have depression. you can laugh too. it doesn't meant that you aren't depressed tho.
I'm sure there is a plethora of like sites that you can visit. Google would be a good place to start ;) Keep your head up kid.
depressed people can get excited too, ignorant pricks