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By Anonymous - 22/09/2023 06:00

Today, after an argument over my timekeeping, my boyfriend bet me that I was incapable of being ready to leave the house by 6:30 to get our theatre seats. It got to 6:35 and I was rushing to tie my shoes while doing my lipstick when I heard him put the car in gear and drive off without me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 114
You deserved it 1 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Christina Winden 22

I mean I get it because I’m the same way but like…. Come on. Unless you had work or another engagement that only gave you a short amount of time to get ready, you couldn’t manage your time better, knowing this was an important event to him and you needed to be out of the house at a specific hour? Or maybe just skip the makeup? No one cares how you look. Be on time instead of slapping lipstick on.

I mean... it sounds like he was correct and that this was just the latest in a long string of times where you were late for a time-sensitive thing. You really couldn't have gotten ready earlier, or done your makeup in the car?


Christina Winden 22

I mean I get it because I’m the same way but like…. Come on. Unless you had work or another engagement that only gave you a short amount of time to get ready, you couldn’t manage your time better, knowing this was an important event to him and you needed to be out of the house at a specific hour? Or maybe just skip the makeup? No one cares how you look. Be on time instead of slapping lipstick on.

I mean... it sounds like he was correct and that this was just the latest in a long string of times where you were late for a time-sensitive thing. You really couldn't have gotten ready earlier, or done your makeup in the car?

Well, it sounds like he might have a point here. You didn't lose the bet by a little bit. You weren't even ready-ready when he was leaving.

Well, put on the sweatpants and Netflix. You can whoop it up and vape like Lauren Boebert and no one will ask you to leave!

You know exactly how long it takes you to get ready. Even for a full, formal do. Anyone who dresses up regularly knows about how long it takes them. Unless you've got some actually diagnosable issues, you have zero excuse and 👏 to your bf for making the point. Your abject, persistent lack of respect for other peoples time says a lot about you. It's selfish and rude. Either get diagnosed and figure out a a system that works for you or grow tf up.

HouseOfM 8

I agree, but I feel like instead of making a decision to do better they might make a half hearted attempt and blame it on a diagnosis. Just a thought it just seems very common nowadays.

He was kind enough to wait 5 minutes and you still couldn't make it. This one is on you.