We can tell

By Mkimmi - 12/02/2015 07:39 - United States - State College

Today, I had to fall asleep to my next-door neighbors having sex because our walls are paper thin. What bothered me the most wasn't listening to them doing it, but knowing that she was faking it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 323
You deserved it 3 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bang on the walls and tell him "I can do better"

Leave a sex tip book for your neighbor on his door! I think he'll get the hint :D


I don't get why people fake it. Wouldn't that actually be more hurtful to your significant other and yourself too? I just don't get it...

Find an independent film with a loud domestic shouting match, preferably about a sexual matter, make them just as uncomfortable.

posie97 18

I would have ran in there, pushed him off, and made him watch us do it way better and listen her when she's NOT faking every ****** I give her!

Anonymously leave a little trophy outside the door for the terrific acting. :-)

Maybe he's a great guy and a lousy ****.

How could you possibly know she was faking from listening to them?

I had a neighbor like this once. I responded by yelling directions to him through the wall.