Weird, huh?

By Sam - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I found out that the woman from My Strange Addiction who can't stop picking her scabs is married. I've been single for two years and I don't even pick my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 626
You deserved it 3 784

Top comments

Don't want to be the dick here, but maybe she's a lovable person and picking scabs isn't much of a deal-breaker, whereas you may not have any disgusting habits yet you are an asshat. If you have a good personality you have nothing to worry about, good things will come in tim, maybe just put yourself out there a little more. Either way it wasn't very nice to compare her in that way, she's a person just like the rest of us...

Well then start picking your scabs. It's the way forward.


I think everyone does at least one thing incredibly gross or weird. The whole 'scab' part though... A little out there...

Well you must be.. Picking the wrong ones! No? Okay.. *hangs head*

Then quit complaining and go get a girlfriend OP!

I guess thats why shes in Your Strange Addiction.

DJAllen 6

EHarmony was made for you bro.

Omg u saw that too!! I was literally just watching that on Netflix

Well, maybe you should start! Begin with your nose and work your way up to picking scabs.

Misswildsides 22

Or maybe OP should just get out more and try to find someone he connects with.

So, you're upset that a woman with an unhealthy addiction is happily married and you're not? That's quite the issue. Try not to worry about others, go out, and get a girlfriend, OP.

qirde_15 5

maybe do something crazy for a change. you might be too boring

I don't see how scab picking is really that horrible, I know a lot of people who do it. I mean, if she was eating them or something...but as long as she does it mostly in private.

KiddNYC1O 20

I know right. And if I do pick em(mostly on my legs from scrapes) I make sure I clean them with alcohol pad and apply bandaid.