By Anonymous - 13/01/2010 01:39 - United States

Today, I went to meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time. His mother, seconds upon meeting me, gave me a hug, smiled at me, and said: "It's so nice to finally meet you! All I ever hear is 'Emma this', and 'Emma that', 'I love Emma!'. He never stops talking about you!" My name's not Emma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 223
You deserved it 2 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoprettyinpunkox 0

dump his ass. no questions asked. lol

hope20 0

His mom might of just said the wrong name.... it happens


xoprettyinpunkox 0

dump his ass. no questions asked. lol

or... maybe she just forgot what your name was and thought it was Emma?

Universe_of_Time 0

Wow, that sucks. Fk your life! Dump him!

hope20 0

His mom might of just said the wrong name.... it happens

My girlfriend mum called me by her ex's name for the first three times we met!

Or maybe, just assuming OP didn't pause time to post an FML, she did tell him mom she's not Emma, or confronted him about the situation. Going off of that, I would imagine this was her clever way of stating what /would be/ him cheating which would indeed be an FML.

stump11knights 10

Yah but the son would've corrected her. Or she would've realized her mistake...

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Why should she lower her expentences? Idiot

tyrob911 0

she prolly just said the wrong name like #4 said or Emma could prolly be his bestfriend (highly doubt this). but come on so what happened after that? did u ask your bf who Emma was?

im really curious as to how he reacted when she said all that. he sounds like a douchebag. get rid of him.

goodoldave 17

I would have assumed he had a brother whose girlfriend was named Emma, and she got confused as to which of her children was bringing someone over to meet them. But since this is an FML, I'm assuming that turned out not to be the case. Or something like that was the case, and you decided to make a big deal out of nothing. But no FML posters ever do that, right?

maybe it's his immaginary best friend. don't judge the guy lol <3 ask him who Emma is lol

She's a woman! she just didn't like you and she wanted to make you leave her son...

Maddoctor 10

I wouldn't be suprised. I can't stand boyfriend's mothers (like mine) who think no one is good enough for "their little boy." So childish...

Same here. My boyfriend's mother hates me and have said and forbidden all kinds of possible stuff. But we are still together; somehow she didn't managed to drive me nuts... yet. I would really like to know how this FML turned out to end... If it was his mother trying to mess with your head or if he cheated on you fyl indeed :/ If she just messed up the names it's not really and FML