Welcome home!

By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 15:45 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I went to the airport to pick up my long-distance boyfriend. Having waited six months for this, I was stoked. After waiting for three hours and sending numerous messages, I was eventually informed I was a week early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 825
You deserved it 14 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

allyrn13 12

Double check your calendar next time.

At least he knows you are really excited to see him :-)


summer49 0

It's cool bro I'm waiting 8 more months out of the year for my boyfriend. Stay strong.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You didn't make sure of the date....why, exactly?

robinhood007 9

That's what I was thinking! I'm in a long distance too and when we get to see eachother we talk so much about it, triple check the times, and he tells me when he's getting on the plane even. I don't know understand how it could've happened...

Deannie88 6

One week will fly by real fast OP! Just don't be late that time! Better early then sorry C:

jaredofmo 22

tu était trop presser de le voir c'est tout :)

TheVelocirabbit 10

... Non >:( C'est nes pas!

43- No. It's German. And if you look at the commenter's picture, they're French. That's FML's sister site, Vie de Merde. Don't understand French? Visit Google Translate. It's a life-saver.

If you don't comprehend.. Google translate it.. Just saying..

Got there before me #56 ...But German!?

perdix 29

#56, in German it would be: Sie waren zu drücken, um es zu sehen, all :) Google Translate makes me look like a cunning linguist.

you'll be even more happy in a week ;D

Hey, everyone makes mistakes. Don't feel bad OP, it's not your fault you were so anxious to see him.