Welcome home!

By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 15:45 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I went to the airport to pick up my long-distance boyfriend. Having waited six months for this, I was stoked. After waiting for three hours and sending numerous messages, I was eventually informed I was a week early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 825
You deserved it 14 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

allyrn13 12

Double check your calendar next time.

At least he knows you are really excited to see him :-)


dwvork 6

after six months of waiting and you came to soon ...

Herculesninja27 5
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Well at least you weren't late.

Liana23music 0

At least your not a week late x_x

trippythehippy 6

Yea. Women get upset when they are a week late.

perdix 29

It's better to be a week early than a few weeks late, if you know what I mean ;) Do you know what I mean?

I understand that. I've been with my boyfriend two years and I'm in Kansas and he's in Ohio. I always think he's coming a day earlier than he's supposed to, but never have I thought it was a week earlier! FYL for being mega disappointed and YDI for not checking your calender!

put a reminder in ur phone for tht date

Lucious306 7

That's better than a week late

Oh, how cute. :) Little bit excited, huh? ;) Hopefully this next week will fly by!