Well done!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, after dieting, rigorous exercising, and a major lifestyle change, I have finally reached my fitness goal. My parents were more excited about my 17-year-old brother getting to third base with his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 725
You deserved it 3 228

Top comments

Maybe your parents really want grand children?:) But congratulations on reaching your fitness goal! You should be proud of yourself about that. Not everyone have the patience and willpower like you do, so it would be double luck, he reaching third base, and you fulfilling your goal:) Have a nice day.

Tell your brother I say "high five!".


perdix 29

Surely, with your new hot body, you can go to the local bar or frat house, and find four guys to gang-bang you. If your parents are so into the baseball analogy, they'll forget all about the triple when you tell them of your grand slam.

eman1972 4

I want to see what you look like now. Congratulations on your weight-loss!

_overandout_ 10

If they won't say it, I will: GOOD FOR YOU! KEEP IT UP! :)

No offense, but your parents seem to have their priorities and such mixed up. FYL, OP. I bet you look amazing :)

thiscrazything 1

Congratulations, OP. You should be very proud of your accomplishment. It took a lot of hard work, and you deserve acknowledgement . But the best part is you are the recipient of the award, good health and confidence in yourself.

graphicstyle7 17

Please FORGET about your parents and their attitudes. I lost a lot of weight and kept it off.. and one of the sad but true things is, your family probably has something to do with your weight problem. My very best advice is to distance yourself from them emotionally and physically when you can, build up your ego and your sense of self in the world... They will eventually respect you more for it. Hanging around waiting for their approval is a loosing game.

No one is excited about fat peoples stories. And it takes time to earn the right to loose the fat label.

SILVERbang 0

They didn't fail your class .. YOU failed to educate !!

lovebeecharmer 6