Well done!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, after dieting, rigorous exercising, and a major lifestyle change, I have finally reached my fitness goal. My parents were more excited about my 17-year-old brother getting to third base with his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 725
You deserved it 3 228

Top comments

Maybe your parents really want grand children?:) But congratulations on reaching your fitness goal! You should be proud of yourself about that. Not everyone have the patience and willpower like you do, so it would be double luck, he reaching third base, and you fulfilling your goal:) Have a nice day.

Tell your brother I say "high five!".


That blows, I've lost a lot of weight and the people who I care about don't care and the ppl who I could care less about care.

hateevryone 14

Its ok at least you reached your goal.

Well that sucks that your parents don't seem happy for you, OP.. But congrats on reaching your goal :)

Well thats bad but in the end you did this more for yourself than them (I hope) and I just want to say Congratulations to you and well done for sticking to the regime.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

3rd base is more interesting (sorry). There are different definitions for 3rd base so we the people would like you to clarify. I find it shocking your brother can talk so openly with your parents about that. However congrats on meeting your fitness goal.

I gotta say...third base is more interesting than losing weight....

Your parents are total fucktards. And why is everyone saying getting to third base is more exciting? I mean, okay, I guess it can be fun, but has no one noticed that OP said PARENTS...that means the kid is still living with his parents, and therefore is probably too young to be doing such things (it depends on how old he is since a lot of people in their 30s are still living with their parents these days), and the parents just condone it. They might as well make the kid wear a shirt that says "I will get you knocked up because my parents didn't teach me anything and they'll think it's cool." People these days disgust me...OP, good for you for reaching your goal! To hell with your dumbass parents; let them ruin your brother's life by not being real parents. I'd shun them to be honest...

Everyone knows that after you leave home, you never speak to your parents again. And that if you get to third base while living with your parents, you get pregnant and your life is ruined.

Are they pagans? Sorry, low blow stereotypic joke.