Well done!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Newark

Today, after dieting, rigorous exercising, and a major lifestyle change, I have finally reached my fitness goal. My parents were more excited about my 17-year-old brother getting to third base with his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 725
You deserved it 3 228

Top comments

Maybe your parents really want grand children?:) But congratulations on reaching your fitness goal! You should be proud of yourself about that. Not everyone have the patience and willpower like you do, so it would be double luck, he reaching third base, and you fulfilling your goal:) Have a nice day.

Tell your brother I say "high five!".


Maybe your 'rents are conscious that the brother was most unlikely to achieve that goal?

Don’t count on others to be your cheerleaders. Learn to feel good about your own successes. It’s something I learned a long time ago from my grandfather. When you do a good job or achieve an important goal take a moment to savor it. Don’t gloat or brag, just acknowledge your successes to yourself… OP it’s unfortunate that your parents didn’t notice you had reached your goals. But be aware that weight and fitness goals are achieved gradually and the people who see you daily may be the last to notice the improvement.