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Well played

By Deadpool434 - 19/10/2014 19:27 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I found a book in my attic that I always read when I was a kid. For old times' sake I read it again. On the very first page, child me had written, "Go to page 15" so I did. On page 15, in big red letters, it said, "Get bent." I got pranked by myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 626
You deserved it 8 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You win some and you lose some, but you my friend, did both.


I kindly request you to stop screwing with my mind.

AnOriginalName 19

That profile pic goes perfectly with your comment though, #1. It was my face as well after I read your comment.

incoherentrmblr 21

This is a good setup for Back To the Future 4...

PoisonOrchid 21

This sounds like the work og The Doctor.

I don't know what to say. I literally cant find the right words to say.

So what happened after? The suspense is unbearable.

AnOriginalName 19

If you don't know what to say then shut up.

You managed to add literally in to something that not only didn't need it but actually makes the sentence incorrect by using it.

xxreikoxx 31

Then don't say anything at all. o.O

word crimes.... I literally want to punch you in the face. that works, how about I honestly can't find the words.

kamryno 22
Meowdisen 15

Self prank! I should definitely try that to adult me!

kristabelli 19

This is one of my favorite FMLs ever. It made me laugh so hard. :D

You win some and you lose some, but you my friend, did both.

Ha that's probably the best win you could ever claim. literally years in the making!

That really carries meaning when you type it the second time, I have to say.

Mortoli 30

I think there might be a chance you broke logics.