Well played

By Deadpool434 - 19/10/2014 19:27 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I found a book in my attic that I always read when I was a kid. For old times' sake I read it again. On the very first page, child me had written, "Go to page 15" so I did. On page 15, in big red letters, it said, "Get bent." I got pranked by myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 622
You deserved it 8 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You win some and you lose some, but you my friend, did both.


bloodangel1973 8

This was the first FML to actually make me laugh. XD Though I can't really vote either way on it.

I voted ydi because technically he did it to himself lol

Oh god, I remember when kids at my school would write those in the textbooks and take you on a journey all through the book, only to then direct you to the back page where they had drawn a gigantic penis. Ah, memories.

I once found a flying ***** in my math text that way.

I wouldn't expect anything less from a child Deadpool :-)

xxreikoxx 31

I'm sorry, but I find this rather funny.

Me and child you would of been good friends, sound like you were a badass :)